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I have been working hard this last month trying to network with a number of other blogs so that people hear and can comment on what I have to say. Well now I am getting blogger comment spam, that’s the first sign that new random people are finding my blog. I am quite sure that this is possibly the only good thing I can get out of comment spam because after just a few days I am already tired of deleting them from my posts.

Just incase any one wanted to know I am not interested in Viargra, Cialis, or any other form of penis enlargement or medication. I also have no interest in weight loss products or herbal pills. As for other poker related sites, just ask maybe ill post a link if you have a good site, well actually if you spam people you can go to hell. Also although I don’t know what soma is I am sure I don’t want or need that either.

I just wanted everyone to know so as there is no confusion in the future, thanks for asking, now go F**K OFF.


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Comments (3)

Haha I wonder if just mentioning "****** Enlarg**net" and "wait Lozs" will get you even more spam.


lol - when I started getting those, I thought maybe they had been directed to my blog by my wife - she means well - she just wants me to shave off 50 pounds and have bigger junk.

I don't know what soma is either. Want to go halfsies on a bottle and try it? Maybe not.

Akismet or whatever it is called that runs alongside Wordpress seems to be pretty effective but lets the odd thing through! I used to have a Wordpress blog and it stopped nearly 800 comments in 4 months!

Not sure about going halves on some enlarging crap which'll turn out to be sheep's piss with food colouring in it!! There's a guy in my pub who sells generic viagra for £3 each ($5.50)!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 9, 2007 6:20 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Part 1........Part 2 Here.

The next post in this blog is The Plan.

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