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The Plan

Well yesterday I went down to the casino really early with plans to play all day. For some reason I decided to start off on tilt and quickly lost my buy in. Now when playing limit Texas Hold’em I only bring one buy in and figure I can just come back tomorrow if I don’t play well enough to continue. So after that horrible display of poker I came home and sat around for a while looking for something to do. Well since I had not played online in months, I said I am in! I asked a friend to transfer me a few bucks so that I could blow it online and he said he was going to play in two tournaments in the next 27 min. One on poker stars and one on full tilt. I asked if he had enough to spot me and he made the transfers. They were just $11 NL trnys, no rebuys. My goal was to come in first to win back what I lost earlier. So to avoid bad beat stories I only played one hand in each tournament. 30 min into the stars trny I get AQ and make good size bets with an all in on the river and get called down by AK. 45 min into the other trny I get KK all in vs. AK and 77. The flop was AA6 so I was drawing dead. So much for making any money back or even getting a little entertainment out of the night.

So here is the new plan. Tomorrow I leave for a nice little vacation. Hopefully I will get to play a little poker while sitting on the beach looking over the Caribbean. Not sure if I will be making any posts but we will see. Good luck everyone.


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Comments (2)

Sorry, bud. You might've mentioned before, but what limits do you play at the casino? And where? (Just curious.)

Have fun on the beach.

Shake it off. Seriously, we all have bad days. Only thing to do is exactly what you are doing; take a break. The cards will miss you and begin to show love.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 13, 2007 12:12 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Cayman Hold’em Poker??? Does that sound right? YES it does…..

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