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Article Etiquette

I was just wondering what everyone in the blogging community thought about taking an article idea from one blogger and using it as your own? If you rewrite the article, maybe even better its not really plagiarism. But do you feel obligated to give credit where credit is due? Sometimes coming up with new article ideas is the hardest thing to do after a year of blogging. Personally when I get an idea from one blogger I like to put a link back to them just to show my appreciation for their inspiration. Maybe that is going to far, maybe not far enough. I was just wondering what everyone else thought.


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Good question. I don't think most people will notice if you take an idea off of someone else, but its very easy to start off the post with "I was reading ________ and it got me thinking..." In general, I like to give credit where it is due. It can't hurt and the person you linked to will probably end up following the link back to your site anyway (if they have any tracker software), so it will help readership and participation in the community.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 19, 2007 11:34 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Foxwoods.

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