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Little Poker Life Update

Well it has been a while since I posted a comment. Mostly because I have not played any poker. I have been trying to get started in the real estate business but I have to say its tougher then I thought it would be. I am not the type that likes to bug people over and over again for something they don’t want, but that’s kind of what you need to do. Mostly because people don’t understand the advantages of having a real estate agent. I really cant understand why a person looking to buy a house wouldn’t have an agent. They are almost always free for the buyer because the seller usually pays for the commission.

I guess my problem is that I am not good at cold calling people and I am not good at convincing people to buy something they don’t want. So although I think that will make me a good agent, it may make it hard for me to acquire new customers.

I was thinking of going to play again in the near future, but I think I will need to make an adjustment in limits. I have a bankroll just large enough to live off of for the next four months, but if I don’t sell a house in that time I could go broke. Its quite the gamble. I think it would be good to play some of the smallest limits just to meet new people. You know network a little and maybe strike up some business.

I think I have reached a hump in my blog. I have been writing it for about 8 months now and I really got to keep up with it.

Oh… one more question for anyone who might know the answer. I have been trying to cash out from Hollywood poker and Poker Room ( I live in the states) I cant play for real money but I still have money in the account. They sent me checks but my bank wont cash them. Anyone else having this problem? Well until next time, good luck at the tables.


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Comments (3)

Hey 1st. You should see about going to a check-cashing place. They'll charge you a fee, but at least you'll get your money. You can usually find them in bad neighborhoods. Good luck.

I was going to suggest the Check cashing place and I resent the bad neighborhood comment as I have one just down the road from me, about two miles from the bad neighborhood. Ha ha ha.


Hey, has real work taken over, it seems ages since the last update.Hope you keep it going.

All the best


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