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What’s a Must Move Game?

It just dawned on me that some people might not know what a “must move” game is. So for all you online players here is a good term you should know. In many casinos the floor will open up a new game with a limited list of players. They will then designate it as a must move game. That basically means that is still a list to get in the main game but you get to play while you wait. When a player in the main game leaves the next player on the must move list MUST move to the main game or go home. They do this to protect players in the main game. If they didn’t do this they might clear the list of waiting players and if a few people get up from the first game it could cause it to be short handed and then break. Its just not fair to make a player who has been playing for the last 24 hours to get up and now wait inline for a new seat.

There have been many arguments about players not wanting to move from the must move because they are usually much softer games. Many bad players never even make it to the main game because they go broke in the must move game. When you sit in a game make sure that you look at all the faces at the table, before you move make sure everyone else has moved. Sometimes people will “forget” to put their name on the list or not admit that its their turn. That way they can stay longer.

It’s a good idea to know all the terms for live poker because I know I peg players as either beginners or online only players if they don’t know them.


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