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Poker Rule #111: Stick to the game plan

Before I ever get to a card room I always try to come up with some goals and limits. I also decide which game is best to play with my current bank roll and still able to reach my goal. The reason for doing this before I get to the casino is, that way I don’t let my emotions lead the way. Well this time I let boredom get me this time.

I have been playing very well lately and with a few more good wins I could double my limits again. That would put me in the game I want to play. Its also a much faster, aggressive, and skilled game. Well while I was waiting for the lower limit game I wondered around the room and found the larger of the two games had a open seat in a soft “must move” game. Now I had only brought just enough for a reasonable buy in but convinced myself that it was a “good” idea to sit in this game. At the time it was 6 handed and so I would make it 7. Unfortunately after sitting down I lost two smaller hands quickly and was stuck in the game. Then two players got up to go eat and another was moved to the must move main game. A new player sat in but he was much tighter then the fish that he was replacing. So now I was in a game larger then I wanted, short stacked and playing short handed. I should have got up right then, but no. I saw myself missing chances to steal pots that I would never miss in the smaller game. Well to make this story short, I managed to take two bad beats and was out of chips. I didn’t have enough to cover the swings so I went home broke. I guess the only up side was that it all happened so quickly that I was able to get home and still go out that night. Although I would much rather all my money back instead.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 5, 2007 11:56 AM.

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