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Don’t make Enemy unless you have to.

One more thing that happened the last day I played was I was in a game and after some restructuring of the players at the table, I noticed it had gotten very tight. So I, thinking ahead, asked the players to my right and left if they chop blinds or play them out. One player said yes I will chop. The second player gave me an inquisitive look. I said it again and he came out with a super strong accent saying that I don’t understand, no speak English very good. Now I had already heard him say something with much less of an accent so I knew he was lying. I thought about saying something but decided that I would need him to be willing to fold hands to me. I definitely didn’t want him to play over me every hand. So I said nothing and said to myself it the chop option comes up he is to my right so he will need to act first. And because he is already being an a** and wants to look at his cards first, I will do the same. If I like my cards ill play. The option never came up and there was a hand where I flopped a straight and played it fast only after a 3 flush was on board. If he was angry at me it could have cost me a lot more, he had a medium flush.


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