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Poker Rule #65: Don’t show your hand

The problem with showing cards when you have them is that people then assume that the next time you don’t show you didn’t have it. And when you want them to think you had it the next time you feel obligated to show your hand again. If you start showing people your cards all the time they are going to figure out the way that you play long before you figure out the way they play. I really believe that there is no good time to show your cards. Some people like to show to put people on tilt. Although it does work sometimes, it will sometimes make a poor player leave the table. It also gives a lot of information about when you will bluff, and how far you are willing to bluff. I am more then happy to let everyone else do that move. The only thing I will do sometimes and only in live games is the, show one person on accident, move. When I muck the hand I will make sure that the bottom card is tilted up just enough for the person to see, but nobody else can request to see the hand because I didn’t intentionally show. The only other way you should show a hand is to throw it in the much in a way that it flips over. That way people don’t assume that you are going to flip your next hand over. Over all though I would make it a rule to never show your hand unless someone pays to see them. That is, after all, the way you make money.


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Comments (5)

I agree about showing cards. I just love it when they do. You can learn a lot about a player when they flip them over after then bluffed you out or show it just to prove they had a good starting hand. I think some players do it too often.

Once you get in the habit of flashing, players think you made a move on them when you don't show them.

It may be useful on occasion, like you said, but as a general practice, it's not a good idea.

Agreed. I never show my cards. The mystery it creates is much more effective. It keeps people guessing.

Fully agree. I will never show my hand. Lots of the time I really want to when I was able to make a hugh bluf, but luckely the much every hand is enabled.


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The only time I may show my cards is when I'm the BB and everything folds all the way around to me.

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