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Jackpot Poker Tables

The games that I usually play at never have jackpots on them but I had a few search hits to my blog about Jackpots. I like to answer questions when ever I can, even when not directly asked. I have strong feelings about this topic so I would throw in my “Poker Rules”. I would also like to state that I am the type of person who wont play the lotto, but will check the numbers to keep track of how much I am up from NOT playing.

Well here is my feeling on Jack-pots. They suck….. Why people ask, that’s because all they really are is a 90% refund. Could be even less. Most places take out about a $1 from every pot. They then put around 70% into the current Jackpot and then they take 20% and put it aside for the start of the next jackpot. The house usually takes out a percentage for themselves.

These numbers are all estimates because they are all different everywhere. Another problem with JP tables is that it gets you to play too many hands. When the jackpot is high it may still be worth it to play all your pairs, even to a raise. This creates more variation in your bank roll. I am not the type of person who plays lots of the hands that make the bad beat hands, so I would not be involved in one of the large percentages of the pot. I would rather keep all the money along the way. If you think about it, if you win 10-15 hands min every day then that’s gas money to and from the casino and maybe even lunch along the way. I would much rather that.

As always in poker there is usually a “it depends” in the equation. Here it would be if the jack-pot was really large for the requirements. Some places have that Aces full has to lose, other places four of a kind. If Aces gets above 50k you may want to start thinking about playing. I really shouldn’t be giving you these numbers because I am to lazy to do the math about what the percentages are. Basically my point of view is you should let someone else build up the jackpot. Then play correctly and hope to either get the table share. Don’t play poorly to win the jp, that’s most important.


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