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Cayman Hold’em Poker??? Does that sound right? YES it does….

Well the plan was to not play poker for a week, but guess what!!! There is FREE wireless Internet in my room. I might not be able to resist playing a poker tournament on the beach. Even if I don’t do that I just found out that they have a poker night on Thursday. That is right, Texas Hold’em in the Caymans, if that’s not screaming drunk poker I don’t know what will. Even though they are $12 bux a pop, the mudslides followed by shots are the way to go. I had a banana mudslide for breakfast this morning. Nothing is cheap down here, and it does not help that the dollar is only worth 80 cents here. But hey its vacation its all getting signed to the room and ill worry about it at the end of the week.

This post is kind of a short ramble, it is already 5pm so I have had more then one island special. I had to type this message in word first so that it would catch most of my spelling errors. Believe me I don’t need any help spelling poorly. Ok that’s it!


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Comments (2)

Sounds like the breakfast of champions to me. ;-)

Have a great vacation!

How fun! Good luck with the poker night!

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